That's right we're expecting!
Life has been crazy as usual but we are thrilled to be adding a new member to our small family. I'm 12 weeks and a few days and am very grateful the 1st trimester is over. It was a rough few weeks and I'm sure both David and I felt as if there was no light at the end of the tunnel but we made it.
And we're ECSTATIC!
There's really not much to see in the pictures yet but I'm a little excited and probably want to document way too much.
How do I keep up with this girl? She can be cute even when pretending to take a pregnant picture. Haha, more like showing me how it should be done.
I love this girl!
She's been sweet enough to grocery shop for me, cook for me and keep me company when David couldn't be here.
Needless to say I've been thankful for all they've done but I'm so glad I can help myself. I'm glad I can grocery shop and not feel like throwing up, or clean my house, or eat REAL food.
(I lived on plain macaroni for over a week, not fun.)
But it was all worth it. Our little baby is healthy, and we are HAPPY. :)