Thursday, July 15, 2010

Can you believe we're half way there?!

20 Weeks!!!

19 Weeks

18 Weeks

17 Weeks

16 Weeks

15 Weeks

I cannot believe that I am 20 weeks pregnant! Some days it feels like time will not move quickly enough but when I realize I will be giving birth to this little baby in only 4 more months I'm okay with the passing of time.
We're so excited for our little BABY GIRL! That's right we're having a girl! David guessed right and I really thought we were having a boy. But with the odds in our families I guess another girl would be in order, haha! Everyone is excited to spoil her with pink things.

The ultrasound with the specialist was so amazing. She's a healthy little girl and one week ahead of schedule, this means our due date of November 28th has been moved up to November 21st! SWEET!

She kicks a ton, which I absolutely LOVE. :) During the ultrasound the nurse had a hard time getting a picture of her face because she was moving so much. The same thing happened at the regular doctor's office when they were trying to listen to her heart beat. I love that she's a little kicker and that I know she's okay in there. I can't stand chicken and turkey, just thinking about it makes my stomach churn. But I sure do love sugar and I bet that's that's why she's so active. :)

Happy 4th

The last few years David and I have gone to the Boulder City fireworks to celebrate our country's birthday. This year we were lucky enough to have members from both sides of our families join us and they loved it. If you want to see the best firework show in town Boulder City is the place to go! The favorites were the ones that would fill up the WHOLE sky, and I'm not exaggerating. The show lasted 25 minutes and were in such awe that I forgot to take pictures, but it was great and I'm sure we'll have just as many people next year if not more.

I'm totally bummed that I didn't get more pictures and I didn't get any of David's family but here are the few that I took...

Happy 50th Papa!

The one thing Dad wanted to do for his birthday was for the whole family to go to Disneyland! Who wouldn't want to spend their big day at the "HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH"? I mean doesn't he look so happy?

This was a surprise on Mom's part. We had to stall... and Dad wasn't too happy with our lies. He started to get upset until he realized something was up. Mom showed up with the "special hat" and he was not having it even though you could tell he thought it was funny. Thankfully the family in line next to us was very vocal about Dad having to wear the hat and we were able to snap a few pictures with the beauty on his head. :) Such a good sport!

Look at how happy everyone is! This was taken when we were trying to stall while Mom was buying his funny birthday hat. He guessed what she was doing before she made it back. But we all had a good laugh anyway and it kept the sun from hitting his bald head! ;)

We were having WAY too much fun.

David being his crazy self!

Rachael being cute, as always!

What a funny husband I have!

Can you tell Ali wasn't happy about eating a pickle and me taking a picture? Candid. :)

David + Linda + Baby Bump + Disneyland = Happy Family

We did alot of waiting in lines in turn Ali was sweet enough to give Meg and Kenny a few piggyback rides. What a good sister.

Megan was driving the car.... enough said. Mom and Dad will sure have their hands full when she turns 16!

(Mr. Kenny was one tired little guy.)

We all had one great day and dad is one year older. We love him all the more! Thanks for a great 50th BIRTHDYAY party Dad!