We took a quick trip to California this past weekend. (Definition of quick trip: Arrive in California around 1 am Sunday morning, leave California around 8pm and arrive back at home around 1am Monday morning.) Truly a quick trip but so worth the lack of sleep. I'll admit I think a few of us were tempted to just turn around and drive back home before even reaching the beach. The day was so great and Abigail was such a doll! She is the most chill baby, she loved the water and sand. Right before we left I rinsed her off in the cold shower and she loved that too. She was all smiles. We had quite the adventures, David and my Dad swam out too far and the life guard had to go save them... kidding there was a rip current so the life guard advised that they come back in. Kenny got all tangled up in seaweed, Rach, Meg and I found a dead seal :( it was SO smelly) and of course all the boys had to go see. And right before we left David had to fight a guy for our chair... okay not really fight him but he didn't speak English so David had to communicate to him in Spanish. ( David is so wonderful, he made sure that he found his chair before we left. ) It was such a great day we were able to visit with Grandpa Lynes, who seems to be so lonely since Grandma died, and spend an awesome 4 hours at the beach.
Love this pic- Dad trying to suck it in! Haha!
Oh Miss Rach how I love you!