How did this happen?!!
I never really understood the meaning of time until we had Abigail. And I honestly can't believe our baby girl is one! This past year has brought so many adjustments to our lives, but we wouldn't trade it for the world.
Newborn Pictures
(taken by Allyson Kaye, she was amazing!)
Only a few minutes old
One Week
Two Months Old
Six Months Old
Eight Months Old
Ten Months Old
Eleven Months Old
One Year Old!
(Taken by David's awesome cousin Alicia DeYoung)
Miss Abigail we love you so much. You are such a happy little girl and have been since the day you were born. You love fruit, crawling around and especially waiving to everyone you see. You love your pink blanket and a stuffed monkey named Bonzi that is your uncle Kenny's. You say lots of words like Mama, Dadda, uh oh, Hello, Lucy, Ma Ma (grandma) & nana (banana, which we are pretty sure means anything pertaining to food). You can sign the word more, thanks to your Aunt Rachael. You don't walk but you sure do get around fast when you crawl! You have a few nicknames, Mommy & Daddy call you "Sunshine", Aunt Heather calls you "Abergail", Grandpa Carter calls you"B-gail", & Grandma Lynes calls you "Peanut"! Everyone loves you so much! We've been so blessed to have you Little Miss! Happy 1st Birthday!