Saturday, February 18, 2012


Valentines was a little last minute at our house this year but I think that's what made it all the sweeter. :)
Abigail and I woke up a little early so we let daddy sleep in and we went to the grocery store in our pjs. We    got doughnuts for breakfast a little something for Daddy and Abi picked out a cute little monkey of which she loves! We enjoyed breakfast together and Abigail enjoyed climbing inside the cupboards afterward. 
Abi with her Valentines monkey in her V-day pajamas. (I found these at Old Navy for $4! I couldn't pass them up.)

That tongue is always out! Silly girl! 
I had to work that night but when they came to pick me up David had a huge box of chocolates, the new Twilight movie and a sweet card waiting for me on the seat in the car. He said they had a great time at the store and that as usual, Abi was super cute. In all honesty this year I think was the best Valentines yet. 

Can I just say?


Crazy Hair

I laid Abi down for a nap yesterday and this is what I found when she woke up...
Crazy Hair!

A crazy look to go with the crazy hair. :)

Look at those big brown eyes

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Piggy Tails

Little Miss A. is sporting some pigtails today for the first time. She's turning into a little girl more and more each day. There were too many cute pictures to choose from, sorry. :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

14 Months

Thanks Aunt Rach for paiting my tootsies!

It's getting harder and harder to get her to sit still for a picture. So I had a genius idea to let her do her favorite thing, read a book. Turned out to be a hit!

Abi is now 14 months and is doing some new things:

She's walking and talking so much. She says a few short sentences now which we love!
"Boo, I see you!" 
 "See you."
"Bye, bye."
our most favorite new phrase
"I love you" (pronounced "Ah-La-Yah" while sticking her tongue out.)

Some of the words she's added to her vocabulary:
Ali (for Aunt Ali), water, drink, juice (pronounced "jew"), more, please, thank you, teeth, eye, ear, nose, book, blankie, dog, baby, & Amen (pronounced "awe-meh"). She tries often to mimic the words or sounds that we make.
She loves going to the park and eating crackers. Cracker is also one of her favorite words (pronounced "ka-ka").

We love you little one!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Blanket Love

This is Abigail and her most favorite thing, blankie. Also known as "bee-kee".
*Not pictured blankie #2.
(Of which she loves just as much if not more. And yes, she sleeps with both every night.)