Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Grandpa's Garden

This is my grandfather. Charles Vernon Jensen. I love his tan leathery skin and wrinkled face. :) When we were little we all called him Tickle Grandpa. He's a sweet old man who loves his garden. Any time we visit in Wyoming we LOVE to raid it!

Mmm radishes!
 I loved watching him work. I could tell how much pride he has in his not so small garden. :)

 On the side of the house is one of the best parts of the whole garden... the raspberry patch!!! 
Abi LOVED them.

She loved that she could pick them herself.

Taking some berries from Great-Grandpa.

No need to wash them. Just pick and eat.

Miss Em with her loot of carrots.

Dean Machine with more carrots.

David loved the garden too. I'm sure he could have stayed back there all day.

Mr. Kenny looking for more carrots.
 Emily was so cute with Abi. She wanted to help her do everything and Abi was more than willing to let her.

"Mom look!" She was so proud and loved to pick the different veggies. 


Helping Grandpa.

Enjoying a tasty carrot.

Mr. Dean waiting patiently. We would put everything in these big buckets and fill it up with water to clean them.

In the raspberry patch.

We loved this day. There's nothing better then spending the day outside in the garden eating, picking and cleaning the fresh food with family.

Monday, September 3, 2012

While in Utah...

My love and I.
 While at our family reunion we spent A LOT of time in the water. On this day we were packing up and the two little babes were getting fussy so... we let them play in the water and get all wet!

She LOVED the water even though it was freezing.

Kenna & Megan, best friends.

Throwing rocks.

These babies were just too cute! 

Throwing rocks with your cousin is the best!

Poor Abi was so tired by the end of the day.