Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Merry Christmas Post

Just a few pictures of Miss Abigail in her Christmas jammies. I love the faces she pulled!

She sure does make us proud parents!

I had to put this one up I'm sure she's thinking- alright Mom I've had enough! Poor girl probably can't see a thing from all those flashes.

Some Daddy time- He's so adorable with her! This is the first thing he does every night after work.

We were blessed with the best Christmas present EVER!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

2 Weeks Already!

Where does the time go? I can't believe Abigail is already 2 weeks old. To be honest it makes me sad, I feel like time is slipping away. All the more reason to enjoy every minute. She's so sweet and has made David and I so happy. She's already growing out of some of her clothes and is gaining weight. It's nice to know that she's getting enough to eat from her mama. :)
David and I were able to go out last night and left the babe with my Mom. I cried. I feel like I cry about everthing now, but they're all good tears. We only went to dinner around the corner and were gone for a total of 2 hours. Geesh did we miss her. I thought it was cute that we talked about her the whole time and looked at all the cute pictures we've taken of her. It's amazing to us how we've only known her for 2 weeks and yet we can't imagine life with out her.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Birth of Abigail

November 28th
11:45 pm- Water Broke

November 29th
12:15 am- Checked into Mountain View Hospital
(contractions getting stronger & closer together)
12:45 (ish) am- Nursed check for dilatation and realized that she had stuck her finger in poor Abigail's bum causing her to have a bowel movement, by this time I'm dilated to a 7. Abby is breach and the nurses have determined we need to have an emergency C-Section. By now contractions were much stronger and consistently one on top of the other and I have lost track of what time it is.
David suiting up for the operating room :) He was so wonderful! I really thought he was going to pass out but he watched the whole thing including the epidural- which I was SO grateful to have.
2:03 am- Miss Abigail Reese was born weighing in at 7lbs 13oz, 20 inches long.

With the exception of our marriage, this was the best moment of my life.
There is no way to describe the way a mother feels when she's seen her baby for the first time and I'm sure David would say the same about being a Dad for the first time. (He's so smitten by her!)
Our first family photo :)

We sure are proud parents of the most beautiful baby EVER!

(although we are a little biased :)

We Love you miss Abigail!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Abigail Reese Carter

Meet Abigail.

November 29th, 2010 at 2:03 a.m.

7lbs 13oz

20 inches long

and a full head of brown hair :)

Our Heavenly Father has blessed our little family with so much more than we ever expected. We love this little girl more than words will ever say.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

3 Years

I'm sitting here thinking of how lucky I am to have such a wonderful man in my life. One who holds my hand when I'm scared to get pricked by a tiny needle (giving birth will be interesting). One who waits on me hand and foot when I can't help myself. One who listens to me complain and compain... and complain. I can't believe it's been more than 3 years since this day...

I love that we love eachother more each day. (I can't imagine getting through life without him.) And we can't wait for our lives to change for ever when our little girl comes. Only 6 more weeks!
(30 weeks- haven't had the chance to take a new one)

We're currently at 33 weeks and some days it feels like the time wont pass quickly enough for her and for us. :) She's scared us a little lately with lots of extra contractions but all is well. If only Novemeber 21st could be here sooner!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Oh how I love to eat...

So I may have not been able to have Farr's ice cream but there is one other place that will some what compare, Luv It Frozen Custard. This place is in a scarier part of town so we don't go to often but when we do it's always "Luvly"- the custard that is. I always get the same thing Western Special with chocolate custard. Just looking at this makes me want to have some. Yum.

And as you can tell I really enjoyed myself. David looked over at me and asked if he could have a taste and this empty bowl was all he got. I actually felt kinda bad.

David and I enjoying our custard...

I'm kind of ashamed to admit this next story. In my defense, since the little one has gotten bigger my appetite has grown quite a bit and I am always craving potatoes, fried, baked, mashed. David's been so great to indulge my new love. We've probably had potatoes 4 or 5 times for dinner this week and this does not inculde the stops to pick up fries at a drive thru.

So the other night this is what David did...

While I did this...

Poor guy when he got back in the car he asked if there were any left, sadly I had to say no. And yes it was a LARGE fry.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

FARR Better Ice Cream

Farr's Ice Cream is truly the best ice cream place EVER. This is where I got my first job when I was 16 and I've been in love with this place since I was a little girl. I was so excited to go to Utah because I knew we'd be able to stop in and get 2 or 3 scoops (I'm pregnant don't judge).

Just to give a little background we drove from Vegas to our campsite on Friday (about an 8 hour drive), stayed Saturday and planned to drive back to Vegas on Sunday. I thought perfect we'll get ice cream on our way home. Before driving down the mountain we stopped at the only gas station in town and grabbed a snack I noticed that they had Farr's ice cream but had decided I would rather wait so this way I could have more choices. Well being my greedy self and needing more choices I realized when we were around the corner from the cute little ice cream shop that it was SUNDAY and we were in UTAH. I was so bummed when we pulled up and I knew I could have had ice cream but I wanted to be picky. So needless to say I still have not had the best ice cream ever and will have to wait until who knows when to get some. Me 22 weeks pregnant at Farr's with no ice cream :(

Friday, August 13, 2010

Bartlett Family Reunion

Dad & Kenny

Every year my Mom's side of the family has a huge reunion and this year it was in Utah up by Causey Dam. We didn't think we were going to be able to go but David surprised me for my birthday and said that we could go! I can't describe how peaceful and relaxing it is to be in the mountain air and not have to worry about anything. It was a short trip but worth every minute. One of the best things about camping near the river is the tubing! I was a little bummed because I couldn't go, but my Mom and I were able to mingle with the extended family and we won a few good prizes from the raffle. The rest of the family played in the river and the older group would drive up to the beginning of the river and ride down to the camp ground (about 30 minutes). The water is FREEZING but so worth it! Megan and Kenna

Brittany & Ian

Miss Meg freezing her bum off

Jessie & Chris

Uncle Rex

Kenna, Spencer, Rachi & Megan

(I love the look on his face! Classic for "I'm going to run into that bush!") He absolutely loved tubing, he had never been before and my sisters said he looked so happy.

Mom & I
Rach & Kenna

Crazy Meg

The cute little guy in the orange is the sweetest cousin ever! Mike and Jackie's youngest Dean. He was so much fun. I don't think anyone could get enough of him. His big sister, who I'm totally bummed that I don't have any pictures of, Miss Em, is so darn cute too! They are the cutest kids ever!It was so nice to see everyone! We hope we have more of the family next year and can't wait to go back. Thanks David for the best birthday present ever!

Lazy Sunday...

A few weekends ago David and I took ourselves and the dogs to Duck Creek. We were hoping to enjoy a lazy Sunday in the mountains. The pictures are a little deceiving of the first half of the day. We weren't smart enough to check the forecast and were pleasantly surprised when we arrived and it was raining. After driving for 3 hours the dogs seemed to be a bit antsy little did we know this was code for "I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM NOW!!!". Next thing you know we're pulled over on the side of the road out in the rain, the dogs running around crazy scared, dog poo in the back seat of the Jetta (oh yeah we're that stupid), and lots of yelling. Needless to say the anger blew over and we resorted to using the blanket in the backseat and my socks to clean up the mess the dogs made. (who knew socks could be so handy?) Since we hadn't eaten we decided to drive a little ways and let the dogs run free while we ate our packed lunch. We ate our sandwiches in the rain and despite the wet, cold, and mosquitoes we enjoyed the rest of the time and ended up laughing about the whole thing.
*From the photos above I'm not sure if you can tell who's happier, David or the dogs. :)


Meet the newest family member on the Carter side.... Colton Valentine.

Isn't he so handsome?

Heather and Aaron sure do make some cute babies! We're so excited for their family and are glad our little girl will have a cousin around the same age. Welcome to the family little guy!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Can you believe we're half way there?!

20 Weeks!!!

19 Weeks

18 Weeks

17 Weeks

16 Weeks

15 Weeks

I cannot believe that I am 20 weeks pregnant! Some days it feels like time will not move quickly enough but when I realize I will be giving birth to this little baby in only 4 more months I'm okay with the passing of time.
We're so excited for our little BABY GIRL! That's right we're having a girl! David guessed right and I really thought we were having a boy. But with the odds in our families I guess another girl would be in order, haha! Everyone is excited to spoil her with pink things.

The ultrasound with the specialist was so amazing. She's a healthy little girl and one week ahead of schedule, this means our due date of November 28th has been moved up to November 21st! SWEET!

She kicks a ton, which I absolutely LOVE. :) During the ultrasound the nurse had a hard time getting a picture of her face because she was moving so much. The same thing happened at the regular doctor's office when they were trying to listen to her heart beat. I love that she's a little kicker and that I know she's okay in there. I can't stand chicken and turkey, just thinking about it makes my stomach churn. But I sure do love sugar and I bet that's that's why she's so active. :)