Friday, August 13, 2010

Lazy Sunday...

A few weekends ago David and I took ourselves and the dogs to Duck Creek. We were hoping to enjoy a lazy Sunday in the mountains. The pictures are a little deceiving of the first half of the day. We weren't smart enough to check the forecast and were pleasantly surprised when we arrived and it was raining. After driving for 3 hours the dogs seemed to be a bit antsy little did we know this was code for "I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM NOW!!!". Next thing you know we're pulled over on the side of the road out in the rain, the dogs running around crazy scared, dog poo in the back seat of the Jetta (oh yeah we're that stupid), and lots of yelling. Needless to say the anger blew over and we resorted to using the blanket in the backseat and my socks to clean up the mess the dogs made. (who knew socks could be so handy?) Since we hadn't eaten we decided to drive a little ways and let the dogs run free while we ate our packed lunch. We ate our sandwiches in the rain and despite the wet, cold, and mosquitoes we enjoyed the rest of the time and ended up laughing about the whole thing.
*From the photos above I'm not sure if you can tell who's happier, David or the dogs. :)

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