I'm sitting here thinking of how lucky I am to have such a wonderful man in my life. One who holds my hand when I'm scared to get pricked by a tiny needle (giving birth will be interesting). One who waits on me hand and foot when I can't help myself. One who listens to me complain and compain... and complain. I can't believe it's been more than 3 years since this day...
I love that we love eachother more each day. (I can't imagine getting through life without him.) And we can't wait for our lives to change for ever when our little girl comes. Only 6 more weeks!
(30 weeks- haven't had the chance to take a new one)We're currently at 33 weeks and some days it feels like the time wont pass quickly enough for her and for us. :) She's scared us a little lately with lots of extra contractions but all is well. If only Novemeber 21st could be here sooner!
Marriage is a well kept secret, if only people realized how awesome it truly is! It's so great to fall more in love with your husband each day and know that through the trials, it will just get better with time. Congrats on 3 happy years! And how crazy to think your little one is coming so soon! I know it's super scary, just know that you will survive and if you can handle reeeeeally bad PMS cramps, you can handle labor contractions.
You should hold out til November 23 then you'll have her on my birthday! ;) Haha! I am so excited for you guys and I am so glad you found a wonderful man!
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