Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Birth of Abigail

November 28th
11:45 pm- Water Broke

November 29th
12:15 am- Checked into Mountain View Hospital
(contractions getting stronger & closer together)
12:45 (ish) am- Nursed check for dilatation and realized that she had stuck her finger in poor Abigail's bum causing her to have a bowel movement, by this time I'm dilated to a 7. Abby is breach and the nurses have determined we need to have an emergency C-Section. By now contractions were much stronger and consistently one on top of the other and I have lost track of what time it is.
David suiting up for the operating room :) He was so wonderful! I really thought he was going to pass out but he watched the whole thing including the epidural- which I was SO grateful to have.
2:03 am- Miss Abigail Reese was born weighing in at 7lbs 13oz, 20 inches long.

With the exception of our marriage, this was the best moment of my life.
There is no way to describe the way a mother feels when she's seen her baby for the first time and I'm sure David would say the same about being a Dad for the first time. (He's so smitten by her!)
Our first family photo :)

We sure are proud parents of the most beautiful baby EVER!

(although we are a little biased :)

We Love you miss Abigail!


Tanya said...

She is beautiful!! :) Congrats!! :)

Samantha said...

Oh Linda! What a crazy birth experience! I cannot believe that nurse stuck her finger up poor Abigail's bum! And to be 7 cm, going into transition and almost done with labor, and then have to have a C-section, wow! So glad she is healthy though, hopefully necxt time you won't need a C-section ;) You are such a great mama, and she is just so precious :)

The DeGiulio's said...

It was fun to read your birth story. You are right its hard to even describe how wonderful it is to see your baby for the first time & definitely is the second best to getting married :) Thats too bad the nurse stuck her finger up her bum I've never heard of that before. And thats nice your water broke & you went on your own. I cant get over how long her legs are in the picture of her getting weighed. Bailee was so short!