Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Duck Creek: Part 4

Only one last installment after this. :)

One of the reasons we love being at Duck Creek so much is because of this...

The scenery was absolutely beautiful! It was so nice to just sit around and enjoy the mountain air and blue skies. :)

On the second day we took a drive and after driving and driving and some more driving we found this place...

The view really was breathtaking however there was a lot of husband grabbing and scolding that they absolutely would NOT be going out any further on the huge cliff. Boys, sheesh! Give us women heart attacks! 

I asked Lindsey if I could take a picture of her and her answer was, "Yes, because this is as far as I'm going!" (Love that girl!)

Family Picture, love!

Grandma & Grandpa
Joey & Keri

Kisses from Papa

See the cliff... see that look?

After much pleading the boys decided against going further out on that ledge behind David. SO glad I wasn't the only wife that was upset.

Awesome looking tree!
Sweet Colton! He's so darn cute!

We saw a lot of wildlife while out driving but for some reason the only thing I snapped a picture of was a cow. Really??? 

During our drive poor Carlie got REALLY tired. She slept for quite a while on some VERY bumpy roads.

Carlie slept in a few different positions. :) Claire & Lindsey.

I have no idea why she was making this face but I love it!


Anonymous said...

Hey I didn't want to go any further it made me scared and felt like I was gonna fall so caution is as far as I would go.

Mrs. Carter said...

Oh Linds how I love you!!!! :)I'm glad you exercised caution.