Sunday, August 15, 2010

Oh how I love to eat...

So I may have not been able to have Farr's ice cream but there is one other place that will some what compare, Luv It Frozen Custard. This place is in a scarier part of town so we don't go to often but when we do it's always "Luvly"- the custard that is. I always get the same thing Western Special with chocolate custard. Just looking at this makes me want to have some. Yum.

And as you can tell I really enjoyed myself. David looked over at me and asked if he could have a taste and this empty bowl was all he got. I actually felt kinda bad.

David and I enjoying our custard...

I'm kind of ashamed to admit this next story. In my defense, since the little one has gotten bigger my appetite has grown quite a bit and I am always craving potatoes, fried, baked, mashed. David's been so great to indulge my new love. We've probably had potatoes 4 or 5 times for dinner this week and this does not inculde the stops to pick up fries at a drive thru.

So the other night this is what David did...

While I did this...

Poor guy when he got back in the car he asked if there were any left, sadly I had to say no. And yes it was a LARGE fry.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Linda, that is AWESOME! This totally cracked me up, I am still laughing. Feed that baby I say, when you are a hungry pregnant mama, nothing else will do! So cute to see your belly popping out, I'll bet you are loving it too! Wish I could be there with you and we could be eating buddies or something!